(Ages: 3-5) A class where we begin to lay the "foundation" of Biblical Truth. Students will learn about the Glory of God and how to apply His Word in their lives. This class is available during the Children's Church Service time.
(Ages: 6-10) A High Energy class where students come to get plugged-in to God's Word! Here we will build upon the truths the students will be brought back to the truths found in the Foundations curriculum, and will begin to diver deeper. This class is available during the Children's Church Service time.
(Babies-2yr old) Our friendly nursery workers are available during Sunday and Wednesday (PM) Services. Nursery located just outside of the Sanctuary.

Bible Release Time
This is a monthly field trip for Rutledge Elementary School students to attend on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Blue Springs partners with Elgin Children's Foundation to bring Bible Release Time to Rutledge Elementary kids.
Each month we worship through song, teaching straight from the bible, games, and scripture memory. If you wish to wish to send your Rutledge Elementary student to Bible Release Time, all you need to do is download the form, fill out the form, and send it to school with your Rutledge Elementary student.
Due to Covid-19 this is currently unavailable - We hope to start this back up as soon as conditions are safe.